Village Idiot

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Posts: 52
Location: Kent, UK
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Village Idiot

Post by Dunren »

1) Name of character: Ragetti / Dunren

2) Class: Druid Care Bear / Snugglepuss, Warrior Fury (or just slightly upset)

3) Please provide an armoury link here: ... wn/ragetti ... awn/dunren

4) What is your prefered spec for raiding and why?:
I would prefer to use Ragetti as Care Bear or Snuggle puss, mainly because the chicks are more likely to give me chin scritches.
I have mainly focused on tank gear for Ragetti but im happy to switch over to kitty mode as my primary and gear for that. I could also try getting some caster/healing gear but last time i healed I was using bandages and just got myself in a tangle.
I'm also happy to use Dunren instead if that's preferable.

5) Tell us a little about yourself in RL (please include your age and note that we are an 18+ guild): I'm 38 or 21 with experience, I work as a data cnsultant, sometimes have to travel around europe, but not for a while Now I expect). I have a wife and 3 kids (Chaos, Mayhem, Extinction Level Event and "Yes Dear", my 4 horsewomen of the apocolypse

6) What kind of guild are you after?: The best one, oh wait, I'm here! So many names I recognise even if they dont remember me, and everyone is so helpful.

7) Why have you chosen to apply to Blackrock Diving School?: I'm here (and would like to stay) as social but would like to hit some end-content and the social run the other day gave me the itch - its all your fault :)

8) What guild were you a member of prior to your application to BDS and why have you chosen to leave them?.
BDS. I was here socially in WOTLK but raiding with another community. Fun fact: I helped set up Midnight Storm, BDS predecessor!

9) As a guild, we have clear social expectations, including helping guildies, participating in guildchat, being polite and courteous, and generally fitting in with a group of fun loving raiders. What do you think you could add socially to the guild? What are the things you like to do most, outside of raiding?: As the title Suggests, I'm the villiage idiot, i try to help and be amusing where I can (usually at my own expense).

10) Tell us something about your raiding experience so far. This can include experience raiding with other characters:
erm, Ragnaros and Arthas, recently did the alt/social run as off-tank, seemed to go well (probably due to the awesome healers).

11) We raid 3 nights a week. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays from 20:30 (server time) to 22:30. Could you tell us a little about your availability to raid then? Note the more availability the better and that 50% minimum attendance is required!

Usually avalable for all 3. I unserstand that doesnt mean you'll want me on all 3 so I can leave my char near raid and go play an alt.

12) As part of raiding, we require good planning and forward commitment by our raiders, and an understanding that we have to rotate a little to ensure all raids are full and balanced. What would you do if you signed and we told you there would be no room?
Same thing we do every night Pinky.... Play an alt if i down as backup, Maybe harass my wife of not.

13) Have you read, understood, and agreed with the Contracts on this website? This includes social rules, raiding rules, and miscellaneous rules.
I do.
I understand my classes/specs might not be what you want right now and am happy to continue being a social member if that is the case or any trial is not successful
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