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Post by Gwoikir »

1) Name of character: Gwoikir

2) Class: Assassination Rogue

3) Who in Blackrock Diving School is vouching for you?

Lasair, or any of his alts (Tom)

4) Tell us a little about yourself in RL (please include your age and note that we are an 18+ guild):

Dutch guy of 27 (1992.08.25), mate of the voucher IRL. Working for a transport company ATM mainly for high end furniture. Been playing the game on and off for around 8 years.

5) What kind of guild are you after?:

Mainly just social, but willing to participate in the odd raid or mythic dungeon, i'm not alot online though because of my work... :)

6) Why have you chosen to apply to Blackrock Diving School?:

my mate kept bugging me :P but also looking for meeting some new guys in the game

7) Why have you chosen to apply as a social member?

see the above answer

8) As a guild, we have clear social expectations, including helping guildies, participating in guildchat, being polite and courteous, and generally fitting in with a group of fun loving raiders. What do you think you could add socially to the guild? What are the things you like to do most?:

I mainly grind rep's to be honest, trying for all sorts of mounts. Thats also a reason why i run old dungeons and raids. Also i do a bit of transmog collecting.

9) Have you read, understood, and agreed with the Contracts on this website? This includes social rules, raiding rules, and miscellaneous rules?

I guess? most important things are being helpful and friendly right
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Re: Application

Post by Davine »

Accepted on trial.
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